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Friday, August 3, 2012

Pamela Anderson looks fantastic in St. Tropez.

Here's the thing about Pamela Anderson. I've loved her for what feels like forever and that has never really changed but one I saw pictures of her without makeup, it was a little hard to see her the same way. It's not that Pam isn't attractive without makeup because she is. It's more that she's not exactly the blond bombshell she is with makeup. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, per say. It's just a much different view of Pam. Here at the VIP Room's party in St. Tropez, Pam looks gorgeous and, as she usually does when she's partying it up with her friends, she looks like she's having a blast. Love her or hate her, Pam looks like she'd be a lot of fun to have a drink with.

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